Celebrating the legacy of the late Jewish Sephardic musical flame keeper Flory Jagoda, La Nona Kanta is a virtual program that tells the the true story of how her music helped Flory escape Nazi-occupied Yugoslavia when she was a teenager; how she made a life in the United States; and how she turned the tragic fate of her family and Balkan Sephardic culture into a celebration of five centuries of faith and tradition, giving meaning to the rest of her life, and delighting audiences worldwide.
Produced in collaboration with the Museum of American Jewish History (NMAJH), La Nona Kanta was presented online in partnership with the Ashkenaz Festival in Canada and UCLA’s Lowell Milken Center for the Arts. In addition to providing assistance in the creation of La Nona Kanta, CCV partnered with the NMAJH and the National Holocaust Museum on several remote celebrations of Flory’s life and work, which reached a combined audience of more than 30,000 people.