
8th Annual Baltimore Crankie Fest is in the Scrolls!

The Center for Cultural Vibrancy was pleased to help curate and produce the 8th Baltimore Crankie Festival. What’s a crankie you ask? A crankie is a scrolled panorama. It is a visual aid to storytelling and song, often incorporating puppetry. The festival, held at Baltimore’s Creative Alliance, hosted artists and…...

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Ganna Natsag brings mask artistry to the Richmond Times-Dispatch Virginia Folklife area.

The Center for Cultural Vibrancy is sponsoring the Virginia Folklife Area at the 2021 Richmond Folk Festival, in partnership with Venture Richmond and the National Council for the Traditional Arts. CCV Director Jon Lohman has personally curated the area since its year as part of the National Folk Festival in…...

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Gospel Summit at North Carolina Folk Festival brings Blessings and Joy

The Center for Cultural Vibrancy partnered with the North Carolina Folk Festival in Greensboro to produce a full day gospel celebration for the ages. On Sunday, September 12, 2021, we featured Jalessa Cade, beloved United House of Prayer Shout Band Mangum & Company, a workshop focusing on the prominent role…...

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